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Not sure which Computer to buy?

Let us help you decide!

Today's technology can be overwhelming! 


Whether you are shopping for a new laptop to browse the web, looking for a way to stay in touch with family and friends or simply searching for a new way to watch your favorite TV Shows and Movies chances are you're not sure which device is right for you.

From giving advice on what best fits your needs to handling the shopping for you, HOMETOWN.TECHNOLOGY has you covered!

Getting Advice

If you just need a little advice in making a purchase, we can help!

For only $25 an expert will work to provide you with the knowledge you need to make a confident purchasing decision.

We can:

  • Come to your Home for a Traditional Face-to-Face Visit

  • Talk over the Phone

  • Chat over Email or Text

The choice is yours! 


We simply want to ensure the device you purchase does the things you need at a price that's fair.  Too often folks purchase devices that do not live up to their expectations or worse yet, overspend on something with features they don't need.

Purchasing Service

Need a little more than just advice?  Want to skip the shopping totally?

Boy are we glad you found HOMETOWN.TECHNOLOGY!  We love shopping and we know where to get all the great deals on tech!

Our experts will work with you to understand your needs and will bring those products to you!  You just sit back and relax!  It's like your own personal tech shopper.


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